How do I Un-retire a Fund?
  • 26 Dec 2022
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How do I Un-retire a Fund?

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Article summary

I have retired a fund but would like to re-activate it.  How is this done?


To un-retire a fund select File Maintenance FundsRetire a Fund.
  1. Enter the fund ID. The previous retirement date will display in the Retirement Date field and the Reactivate Fund button will be active.
  2. Click the Reactivate Fund button.
  3. You get a confirmation message. If you wish to reactivate the fund, click Yes.
There are many reasons to reactivate a fund.   Please contact FIMS support if you have any questions.
  • If you entered the wrong retirement date, you can enter the correct date and click ok.   However, if you are changing fiscal years, it is best to unretire the fund and then retire it.
  • The retirement process enters a date in the Date Retired field and if the fund balances for the year associated with the retirement date are all $0, it will also mark the GL accounts inactive for that year.
  • When you un-retire a fund, the Date Retired is cleared out, but the accounts are not necessarily reactivated.  You will have to manually do this.

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