How do you Change the amount of digits for Fieldmaker decimal fields in FIMS?
  • 11 Jan 2023
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How do you Change the amount of digits for Fieldmaker decimal fields in FIMS?

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Article summary

When creating Fieldmaker decimal fields, the default amount of digits is 9,999,999.99.  However, that can be increased if needed.


Here are the steps to increase the amount of digits for Fieldmaker decimal fields;

1) Go to FieldMaker configuration> Go to Decimal field> Properties> Change the decimal field properties from (->,>>>,..9.99) to (->>,>>>,>>9.99)
You can add more to increase the amount of digits or remove them to decrease.
2) Go to the layout tab and remove existing field positioned> re-add the decimal field back to the layout
3) Commit changes> go back to FIMS
4) Data remained in the box that originally there, but now should be able to input the larger or smaller amount.

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