How do you change the cash account on a posted voucher?
  • 03 Feb 2023
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How do you change the cash account on a posted voucher?

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Article summary

There are a number of ways to change the cash account on a posted voucher, depending on the circumstances.

Note: This method is not to be used on fully paid vouchers

1. The voucher should not be fully paid.
2. Login to FIMS with the username "npo".
3. Navigate to the Voucher History tab in Accounts Payable.
4. Find the voucher.
5. Click on the line items tab.
6. Change ONLY the cash account for each of the line items and save.
7. Re-process the check or leave the voucher for future payment. Do not change either the expense account or the payable account.  If you feel one of those changes is necessary, please call FIMS support first.

Changing the expense account after the voucher is posted will not impact the GL.  Changing the payable on a posted voucher will cause the debit that is created with the payment to come out of a different GL account than the posted expense entry.  This might cause reconciliation issues.  In some situations, changing those accounts might be appropriate, but the circumstances are rare, and you should consult FIMS support first before modifying the expense and the payable account. Modifying the cash account will cause no harm on unpaid vouchers since no GL entry will be made to the cash account until a payment is processed. Be careful to select the correct fundid when changing accounts since there is no authentication at this point.

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