How does the Hide other donors' grant amounts feature work in DonorCentral?
  • 27 Dec 2022
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How does the Hide other donors' grant amounts feature work in DonorCentral?

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Article summary

How does the Hide other donors' grant amounts feature work in DonorCentral?


When you select this option, any grant details not pertaining to the logged-in advisor are filtered out, and only grant information — grant amount and payments — pertaining to the advisor's funds is displayed. All grant information — on the Grant History page, Grant Details page, and the Grant History cards on the dashboard — is updated to reflect this setting.

When Hide other donors' grant amounts is not selected, advisors will see the entirety of grant amounts and payment schedules, including to anonymous funds.

This feature comes into play with the scenario when combining multiple individual grants to the same grantee into a single, larger grant to minimize the number of payments being made and those grants that were combined come from different funds.

Single grants are not affected, and grants are displayed at the fund level, not the advisor level, so all users with access to the fund will be able to see details about all grants from that fund based on their level of permissions.

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