How to Add the Select Prior Recipients Dropdown to a Recommendation Form in DonorCentral
  • 08 Mar 2023
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How to Add the Select Prior Recipients Dropdown to a Recommendation Form in DonorCentral

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Article summary

I need to add a select prior recipients dropdown to my recommendation form in DonorCentral, how can I do that?


How to add the Select Prior Recipients Dropdown to a Form  

  1. In DonorCentral, go to Control Panel > Recommendation Form
  2. Drag a "Select" (not "Select Boxes") component to the place you want the dropdown to exist. In our current implementations, it defaults to above the "Search for a recipient."
  3. Configure the "Display" tab with the following: 
4. On the data tab


  <div style="font-weight: bold">

    {{ item.Name }}




<div class="search-recipient">

  <div ng-show="item.Ein">EIN:  {{ item.Ein }}</div>

  <div ng-show="item.CanadianCharityNumber">Canadian Charity Number:  {{ item.CanadianCharityNumber}}</div>

  <div>{{ item.Address1}}</div>

  <div>{{ item.Address2}}</div>

  <div>{{ item.Address3}}</div>

  <div>{{ item.City }}, {{ item.State }} {{ item.Zip }}</div>

  <div>{{ item.Country}}</div>


5. Validation tab
  • Required checked 
6. API tab
  • Property Name = PriorRecipient
  • Custom Propoerties = There is nothing to add here. 

7. Layout and Conditional tabs are not required

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