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To install Crystal Reports 13 runtime, complete the following steps:
1. Use the Windows Add/Remove program to uninstall existing Crystal Reports components.
2. Launch the installer by doing one of the following options:
• On each workstation, double-click setup.exe or CRRuntime_32bit_13_0_20.msi in the …npo\found\install\Crystal\13 folder.
• Launch Crystal Reports from the FIMS Custom menu, and when prompted, click Yes.
3. Click OK to acknowledge that after Crystal 13 runtime installs, you must restart FIMS
4. Click Next to complete the setup.
5. Restart FIMS before accessing the Crystal Reports 13 FIMS Viewer.
Note: If your custom menu is set up to run Accounts Payables for older Crystal Reports, you must update those to use odbc\crystal\RunCrystal.w.
For example:
• odbc\crystal\RunCrystal.w odbc\crystal\Crystal_BirthDeceased_Report.rpt
• odbc\crystal\RunCrystal.w D:\NPO\Crystal\odbc\crystal\DC_Quarterly_Fund_Statement.rpt