How to Make Interfund Grant Suggestions in DonorCentral
  • 19 Jan 2023
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How to Make Interfund Grant Suggestions in DonorCentral

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Article summary

I would like to have donors be able to make interfund grant suggestions in DonorCentral, how can I do that?

There are three ways to make interfunds from DonorCentral:

1. Suggestions from DonorCentral come into FIMS as standard Grant Applications. You can turn these applications into Interfund Grants.

Interfund Grant suggestions coming from DonorCentral intially come into FIMS as standard Grant Applications via the Grant Import process. To make them Interfund Grants, follow these steps:

a. Create a Gift record in the Gift Module but do not post the Gift.  
b. Once you have both the un-posted Grant and Gift records created, proceed to the Interfund Module by clicking View > Interfund Module.
c. Click on File Maintenance > Link Existing Gifts/Grants. Choose the Grant number and the Gift number, and then click on the Link button.  
d. This process marks the records as Interfunds and they will appear in the Interfund Module.
e. At this point you will have the ability to run the Edit and Post as a normal Interfund transaction.    

2. You can have an Interfund profile for donors to select for the interfund grant. The donor would put additional notes in the grant request that would provide enough information for the foundation staff to process. The staff would import the grant suggestion into FIMS, create the gift record and then use the utility to link a gift and grant as an interfund prior to posting.

Please see the attached document on this process.

3. You can create a fresh interfund transaction in the interfund module and decline the submitted grant in the suggestion import window.


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