How to Mark Profiles as Inactive Based on an Affiliation Code
  • 07 Feb 2024
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How to Mark Profiles as Inactive Based on an Affiliation Code

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Article summary

I have created an affiliation code for profiles that I need to be inactive, how can I mass mark a group of profiles as inactive based on their affiliation code?


This can be done by doing the following steps below.

Note: It is highly recommended to copy live to demo and do these steps in the demo (test and learn) database first.

1. Add the desired affiliation code designated for inactive profiles to those profiles that are needing to be inactive.

2. Create a data grid in the profile module on the profile 1 tab. In the data grid include the profile and affpro tables and include the Aff code in the Column output and select on the affiliation code that is being used for inactive profiles. This data grid will identify those records with the affiliation code designated for inactive profiles.

3. Once the data grid is created, export the data grid.

4. Open the exported file in Excel and Save as CSV file

5. Edit the CSV file to have 2 columns, Column A for Profile ID and Column B for Yes\No for the Active flag.

6. Use the Import Record Updates tool to update the profiles from active to inactive. 

  • The primary field is the profile ID code which will need to be in the csv file for each line. Field 1 will be the active flag.
  • In the spreadsheet, Column A needs to be the profile ID and Column B is the Yes\No active flag.
  • If your spreadsheet has headers in row 1, change import row from to 2.

7. After clicking Update Records shown in the 2nd screen shot below, you will see a message that the records were updated, and the profile record will show as updated to inactive on Profile 1 tab.

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