How to Pay the Net Amount Due for a Statements in AP where there are Credits and Charges
  • 19 Jan 2023
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How to Pay the Net Amount Due for a Statements in AP where there are Credits and Charges

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Article summary

We get our credit card statement every month that contains credits and charges and we want to issue a check for the net amount owed, owe do we do that? For example, if we have $8000 in charges, but a credit for $2000.00 we would want to print a check for the $6000.00 in one voucher, how would we do that?


To pay one check for a credit card statement or any statement where you would like to pay the net different after credits are applied, do the following. This method can be used for any vendor where there are credits on the statement and you want to issue one check for the net amount:

1. Create an admin voucher in AP
2. On the line items tab of the admin voucher, add in a separate line for each positive and negative amount; charges and credits
3. Click save when done
4. You will see that the Voucher total will be the net amount that is the amount after all of the credits are subtracted out of the balance.

In the screenshot below, you will see how the 100.00 credit was subtracted from the total:

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