How to Post a Non-Gift where the Entire Amount is a Non-Gift Amount
  • 26 Dec 2022
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How to Post a Non-Gift where the Entire Amount is a Non-Gift Amount

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Article summary

I need to post a non-gift back to a fund to record a refund, how can I do that?


1. Go to the Gift module\unposted Gifts tab
2. Click the new button on the top left
3. Select the ID code for the donor
4. In the amount field, leave that at 0.00
5. Select the Gift date
6. Select the fund id to which the non-gift amount will go
7. Click the Additional Detail radial button and enter in the entire non-gift amount in the Non-Gift Amt field
8. Click the Distributions tab
9. Be sure that the entire non-gift amount is listed there, fund ID, and that the distribution type is Non-Gift
10. Post non-Gift
11. On the fund, you willl see the non-gift listed there in the Gift Detail tab with a description of NG

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