How do I re-run the Gift Deposit Form?
  • 29 Mar 2023
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How do I re-run the Gift Deposit Form?

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Article summary

I created a Gift Deposit Form, and then realized that I used the wrong dates. Is there a problem with starting over and re-creating the form?

You can re-run the Gift Deposit Form, however the earlier processing would have created a transaction in the Check Reconciliation process.  You can simply delete the original transaction in the Check Reconciliation, then re-run the Gift Deposit Form.

Note: If you have posted the gifts since you last ran the gift deposit and you deleted the deposit that you previously ran, then you will need to do the following to get the new deposit sent back over to AP reconciliation:

1. Go to the Gift History tab in the Gifts Module and adjust the gifts in question that need to be part of the deposit

2. Go to the unposted gifts tab in the Gifts module and add a batch number to the adjusted gift records (not the reversals), use the same batch number for each adjusted gift record. You have to run the process only for the adjusted gifts and not the reversals. If you include the reversals, then the gift total is 0.00 on the gift deposit form is 0.00 which is why they do not send to AP if you run the process normally which regular, unposted and unadjusted gifts.

This is just an example of a batch number.

3. Run the gift deposit form process and enter the batch number in the from and through fields. Also, uncheck the checkbox to skip reversals and adjustments and click OK and Run report on next screen. You will see the gift deposit report appear

4. Go to AP reconciliation and you will now see the deposit. You may need to hit the F5 button on your keyboard to refresh the AP module.

Each time you run the deposit form for a checking account you are presented with the option to send a summary transaction to the checking account reconciliation in AP.  Each time, believing this is to be the last time, you answer yes.  Of course this will result in multiple entries in the checking account transaction list.  It is best if you delete the versions of the deposit that aren't needed as you create them, but there is no harm in waiting until reconciliation time.

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