How to set up the Copy Live to Demo as a Scheduled Task for Self-Hosted Customers
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How to set up the Copy Live to Demo as a Scheduled Task for Self-Hosted Customers

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Article summary

I am self-hosted, how can I set up the scheduled task to copy live to demo on my server?


To set up the scheduled task on the server to copy live to demo, do the following:

1. Open up Task Scheduler on the FIMS database server
2. Create a basic task 
3. Set up the scheduled task. Be careful to stagger your scheduled tasks on the server so that they do not run at the same time.

Choose how often to run it:

Choose the time to run it on this screen: 

Choose start a program: 

Set up the task: 
  • Program/Script field: The program you are running will be the 'copytestopen.bat' file. Note that this file may not be on the C drive of your server, you may have FIMS installed elsewhere.
  • Add arguments field: Add the following again changing the drive letter to what yours is on your server:
                     c:\npo\found\dbfiles\found C:\npo\demo\dbfiles\found C:\npo\dlc
  • Start in field: Put in the path as noted below, however again you may need to change the drive letter to whatever yours is on your server:

Check the checkbox to open the properties: 

Select to run whether user is logged on or not:

Check the checkbox to 'Allow task to be run on demand' option so that you can click Run in Task Scheduler if need be and put a limit on how long the task should run. Again be sure to stagger your tasks on the server so they do not run at the same time:

4. Make sure that in c:\npo\found\fims that there is a txt file called 'y.txt' and that inside that file the letter y is typed, nothing else is needed. If there is not a y.txt file in that directory, create one. 

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