How to Setup a Default Value for the Donor\Advisor ID Field on the Contact Tab of an Application
  • 09 Jan 2023
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How to Setup a Default Value for the Donor\Advisor ID Field on the Contact Tab of an Application

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Article summary

I am manually creating applications in the grant module and need to setup a default value for the Donor\Advisor ID Field on the contact tab of applications.


This setting only applies to manually created applications or those imported using the grant import from a spreadsheet. If the application came from an imported suggestion from DonorCentral, the Donor\Advisor ID will be the advisor who submitted the suggestion in DonorCentral.
  1. Select Tools > System Utilities > System Options.  In the Grants section, choose Option Default_DonorAdvisor_Fund_Rep_Type
  2. Click Lookup button
  3. Choose code, click OK.
Note that if you have multiple fund reps for a fund on the fund associations tab of the fund with the same code that there is no special logic that this setting uses. It will pick the first advisor with the default code that it finds. Since the indices for fundid and rep-type have no secondary sort to them, it will be based on database row-id which can be random.

It would be best if you have one special code for that default setting that only one advisor on a fund has.

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