I get errors when I try to run a profile export using a large list of affiliation codes. What do I do?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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I get errors when I try to run a profile export using a large list of affiliation codes. What do I do?

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Article summary

I get pop-up error messages when I try to run a profile export for a large list of affiliation codes. I need that export.  How do I get it to run?

When running various flex reports in FIMS and selecting a large list of affiliation codes ( typically more than 15-20), you will sometimes encounter progress error messages and you will not get a report or export.

There are two frequently used options for working around the issue depending upon your expertise.

Option 1: 
  1. Create a new affiliation code to represent the total group of profiles
  2. Run the Export to Word Processing or the User Defined export to Word Processing and select 15-20 affiliation codes.
  3. Let the process send the file to the default profile.txt, but it will create a file, so you must be able to write to the chosen directory.
  4. On the final screen when it displays the number of profiles exported you have the opportunity to add an affiliation to the data set.
  5. Add the affiliation created in step 1.
  6. Close the export
  7. Repeat step 2 -6 for the next group of affiliations until all the affiliations have been chosen. So if adding 75 affiliations, you might have to run the process 4 times.
  8. Once the process is complete you can now run whatever report or export you were running when you encountered the error and choose just this one affiliation code ( or this one and another small group)
Option 2:
  1. Create a new affiliation code to represent the total group of profiles
  2. If you are comfortable with creating data grids, create a Full view data grid in profiles and select on all the affiliation codes at once.
  3. Save and generate the view
  4. Click the Processes cogwheel and choose create contacts or affiliations and assign the affiliation created in step 1
  5. Once the process is complete you can now run whatever report or export you were running when you encountered the error and choose just this one affiliation code ( or this one and another small group)
The advantage of Option 2 is that it is a faster process, but you do need to have data grid handling knowledge.  Option 1 is repetitive, but might be a more familiar process.

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