I just ran an export and the carriage returns in the comments caused them to flow to the next line instead of stay on the same line. How do I fix this?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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I just ran an export and the carriage returns in the comments caused them to flow to the next line instead of stay on the same line. How do I fix this?

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Article summary

When I run exports in FIMS, my comments wrap to the next line when I open the data in excel.  Is there any way to fix this?

When you run an export, you are presented with several output options:

Choosing Excel will strip the carriage returns from the output.
Therefore, when you open the file in excel, the contents will fill up the cell and move to the next column to the right instead of moving to the next row.

Note that if designing your own export, large text block fields should be put at the end of the list so they can move to the right without impacting the other columns.
Also, another way to fix this issue is to remove the carriage returns in the Excel document.

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