I need to change all the tickles from one person to a new one. What is the easiest way to do this?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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I need to change all the tickles from one person to a new one. What is the easiest way to do this?

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Article summary

My predecessor has left the organization and I’m realizing now that she had assigned herself tickles to follow up on conversations. Is it possible to transfer her assigned tickles to me to ensure seamlessness in our relationships with fund holders? If so, how would that be done?

Unfortunately the tickle-who field is an indexed field and thus you can't use global change to change it.  

The only way to do this is to open up the tickle and manually change the tickle who field to whoever is now going to handle the reminder.

There are two options for change:
  • If you can, login as her and in the pop-up tickle screen open one tickle after another and change the tickle-who field.  
  • Alternately open the contact module ( clipboard with a check-mark icon in the upper right hand corner) and open the default grid.  In the Search by field change to tickle-who and go find the contacts you want to change and change them.

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