I need to change the codes on many different fields in various records. Is there a way to use a spreadsheet to make the changes?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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I need to change the codes on many different fields in various records. Is there a way to use a spreadsheet to make the changes?

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Article summary

We are starting to use additional fields in our grants.  It is easier to put the grant numbers in a spreadsheet and make the changes in excel.  Is there a way to import the changes?  Will the Import Records Update Utility do it?  How do I use the Import Records Update Utility?

The Import Records Utility helps streamline the update of information on multiple records for many of the FIMS base tables including FieldMaker fields. The system will also alert the user on any issues
encountered during the update process, ensuring that better data is coming into your system.

You can find this tool by going to Tools>System Utilities>Admin Utilities> Import Record Updates. This tool can be used to update up to three fields on an individual record at a time.

This utility can be used to accomplish many different tasks that have been tedious or difficult to accomplish in the past. For instance:

 Code table values changing for only certain records
 Correcting a default value in a FieldMaker field
 Adding values to a previously unused, or little used field

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