I see many different types of SysID values in the GLJourHis.SysID field. What do the values represent?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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I see many different types of SysID values in the GLJourHis.SysID field. What do the values represent?

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Article summary

I was looking at data and found these letters in the sysID field in the journal history table.  What do they mean?

The SysID value in the GLJournal  and GLJourHis table has a single digit alpha value.  The values are added to the journal based on the process that create them:
P = Entries from payables,
G = Gifts & Stock & Pledges,
C = Fees & Allocations&Entries,
L = Manual and Recurring,
I =  Interfund Entries & GL Import,
R = Rebalacing,
S = Sync

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