Import Record Updates Utility
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Import Record Updates Utility

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Import Record Updates Utility

The Import Record Updates utility updates information on multiple records. This is available for many of the FIMS base tables including custom (aka FieldMaker) fields. The utility also alerts the user to issues encountered during the update process, ensuring that better data is imported into FIMS.  This utility can be used to accomplish many different tasks that have been tedious or difficult to accomplish in the past.  

For instance: 

  • You can update up to three fields on an individual record at a time. You can also:
  • Change Code table values for only certain records.
  • Correct a default value in a FieldMaker field.
  • Add values to a previously unused, or little-used field.

Access the tool by navigating to Tools > System Utilities > Admin Utilities > Import Record Updates.  You should know the location and structure of a csv file where the multiple record updates are defined.

Begin by clicking the magnifying glass and selecting a CSV file to import.

Adjust the fields on the form as needed and then click the Import button.

The data in the CSV file will be imported by the utility.

If all is correct, click the Update Records button in the FIMS Viewer panel of the form.

After clicking Update Records, you will see a message indicating the number of imported records.

Note: If updating AppHistory it also updates Grants table, if applicable.

Note: The Verify Old Data fields only have choices of None, Blank or Column (A, B, C, etc.).

If any of the Verify Old Value fields are set to something other than None, then the radio set below is enabled which allows user to choose: 

  • Error – Don’t allow update if any differences. (No records will be updated.)
  • Warning – Allow update even if differences. (All records will be updated, but warnings will be produced for records with issues.)
  • Skip – Don’t update records with differences. (Only records without differences will be updated.)

Note: The import utility will not allow updates to an indexed field, or a field used in an index.  For example, neither the Action, nor the Grant Date can be updated in Apphistory. Although the system might allow updates to certain fields, consider carefully if the field you are updating has a use in other areas of the system for your internal procedures or your implementation of FIMS. 

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