Importing Grants
  • 12 Dec 2023
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Importing Grants

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Importing Grants

The Grant Import utility located in File Maintenance > Grants > Grant Import allows you to import grants from an external source directly into FIMS. It reads comma-separated (.csv) files and creates unposted grant Application records using values defined in the input file and/or specified on screen. This process reduces the amount of manual data entry, in turn reducing the potential for errors.


  • Once you configure your import, you can click the Defaults button and save your configuration for use in future imports. If you name a configuration Default, it will be loaded automatically each time you run the Grant Import. You can still choose to run the import based on a different configuration, but the one named Default will be your first choice.
  • You can create a .csv file by opening the data you want to import in a spreadsheet, selecting File > Save As, and then selecting the .csv file type.
  • Verify that there are no dollar signs in spreadsheet currency fields.
  • Verify that there are no characters in spreadsheet number fields.
  • The import utility will automatically create Profile records for any applications where the Profile does not already exist in FIMS.
    • If you have multiple applications for the same grantee in your spreadsheet, we recommend either manually adding the profile record to FIMS or using the Do It Yourself Profile Import to create the profile records before importing your grant applications.
    • Although the Grant Import program has duplicate checking available, it can only check for duplicates against profiles that are already in FIMS.
    • Once you configure your import, click the Defaults button to save your configuration for use in future imports, or for rerunning your current import.
    • Test a small file (in the Test & Learn database if possible) with just a few records to make sure your import works as you expect before importing a lot of records.
    • In each drop-down, select the appropriate column from the spreadsheet.
  • The system will add the appropriate Profile, Grantee, and Application records to FIMS. 

1. Open the Grant Import utility

In the Grantee and Grant Management module, select File Maintenance > Grant Import. The Grant Import window opens.
Example: Grant Import Window

2. Import File: In the Import File field, enter the path and filename of the spreadsheet file that contains your Grant data.

3. Import Row From: If you want to limit the number of rows that you import, enter the desired range of row numbers in the Import Row From > Through fields. The default values for these fields are 1 though 99999, which imports all rows. Typically, you would start at row 2 since row 1 is usually the header row. If the spreadsheet has a header row, make sure to exclude that row on the "Import Row From" field. (e.g. start your import on row 2 if row 1 is a header).

4. Select values for the import:

Go through each of the radial buttons and configure the fields to import under that category; Grants, Profile, Contact, Advisor and Affiliations, Descrition, General Coding, Population Coding, Additional Detail and Other.

In each drop-down for each field under each category, select one of the following. The available options vary depending on the field. 

  • Select: Select this option if you did not include the data in the spreadsheet, and you want to apply the same information to all Grants in this file. Once you choose Select, you will be able to enter the desired information or select it from a lookup.
  • Column #: If you included the data in your spreadsheet, and your columns are numbered, select this option and then enter the desired number.
  • Column Letter: If you included the data in your spreadsheet, select the letter associated with the appropriate column.
  • Dup Chk: Select this option if there are Grantees in your spreadsheet that may already be in FIMS. When the import process runs, the system will check for duplicates before creating new Grantee Profiles. This option is only available in the Grantee ID Code field. The system checks the following data fields to determine if there is a duplicate:
  • Last Name (for individuals)
  • First Name (first two characters – for individuals)
  • Middle Initial (for individuals)
  • Organization Name (for organizations)
  • City
  • ID Code
  • Default Rep: Select this option if you want to apply the default Fund ID code to the Grants based on the Default Fund Rep Type. This option is only available in the Fund ID field.
  • From Grantee: Select this option if you want to use the information from the current Grantee Profile record in FIMS to populate the field.
  • From Profile: Select this option if you want to use the information from the current Grantee Profile record in FIMS to populate the field.
  • From Org Name: Select this option if you want to set the Ind / Org field for the Profile based on whether there is data in the Organization Name field.

This option is only available in the Ind / Org field. You should use this option if you are importing a mix of individual and organization Profiles. This is particularly important if you are using the duplicate checking feature – FIMS will check for both individual and organization Profiles that are potential duplicates of the Profile in your spreadsheet. If you choose Organization or Individual, the duplicate check only searches the selected type of record.

  • None: Select this option if you do not want to include the field.

ACH Payments

Existing grantees that have ACH information on grantee profile already in FIMS: If the grants you are importing are for existing grantees with ACH set for payments, go to the Additional Details radial button, ACH Payment field and select From Grantee which will use the ACH information that is on the grantee record and will add that to the imported application. ACH information has to be added to the grantee record first. 

Grantees that are not already in FIMS: If you want to use ACH for new grantees that are not already in FIMS and you want to import the ACH information to that application record that you will create during import process, then you will need to add the ACH information in the spreadsheet and point the import to the correct column in spreadsheet by choosing Column # or Column Letter.

5. (Optional) Click the Defaults button and save your settings for use in future imports.

NOTE: If you enter the name Default in the Description field for your import settings, those settings will automatically be loaded the next time you run the utility.

6. Click the Import button. A confirmation report opens in the FIMS Viewer, displaying information about the Profiles and Grants that will be imported.

7. Verify the Grant and Profile information in the confirmation report.

NOTE: If Profiles in your data file have potential duplicates in FIMS, the potential duplicates will be displayed to the right of the Profile information from your data file. You can choose to use the suggested Profile, create a new Profile, or use a different Profile. Refer to Updating Profile ID Codes for Imported Grants below for more information.

8. Once you have confirmed the information on the report, click Create Grants. The system will add the appropriate Profile, Grantee, and Application records to FIMS.

Updating Profile ID Codes for Imported Grants

When you run the Grant Import using the duplicate checking option, the system will display any potential duplicates on the confirmation report. The system will use the existing Profile by default rather than creating a new Profile. However, if you want the system to create a new Profile, or use a different Profile than the one listed, you can make that change before importing your Grants.

1. Configure and run the Grant Import. The Grant Import Confirmation Report opens.
Example: Grant Import Confirmation Report (Partial)

2. Review the list of Profiles and any potential duplicates (the data from your spreadsheet is listed on the left, and potential duplicate Profiles are listed on the right).

3. If you want to make changes, click Update Profile ID Codes on the FIMS Viewer menu bar. The Update Profile ID Codes window opens.
 Example: Update Profile ID Codes Window

  • If the ID Code field is blank or says NextID, the system will create a new Profile and Grantee record when the grants are imported.
  • If the ID Code field has an ID code, the system will associate the imported Grant with the selected Profile.

NOTE: If you run the import using the Dupe Check option, and the system finds a potential duplicate, it will automatically add the ID code of the potential duplicate to the ID Code field, but you can change it, if necessary.

4. In the ID Code field, do one of the following for each record you want to update:

  • If you want to create a new Profile and Grantee record, clear the field.
  • If you want to use an existing Profile, select the appropriate record and click the drop-down in the ID Code field to select the Profile you want to use.

5. When you are finished, click the Done button, and then proceed with your import.

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