Include Non-Gift Amounts with Gift Payments
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Include Non-Gift Amounts with Gift Payments

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Include Non-Gift Amounts with Gift Payments

The Non-Gift entry feature in FIMS is primarily designed to accommodate fund-raising events. For example, your organization may receive a check that is partly meant for a charitable contribution and partly meant for a premium payment or for participation in an event (for example a dinner or a round of golf).

FIMS allows you to enter the deductible contribution value in the Gift Amount field and enter the remaining amount in the Non-Gift Amount field.

If you need the enter gift to be a non-gift, see the following:

How to Post a Non-Gift where the Entire Amount is a Non-Gift Amount

1. On the Gift tab, enter the appropriate amount in the Non-Gift Amt. field. FIMS automatically creates a new distribution line for the non-Gift amount.

2. Click the Distributions radio button to view or edit the non-Gift distribution (or split the non-Gift amount into additional distribution lines).
Example: Non-Gift Distributions


Note: The Fund ID that you entered in the main section of the Gift tab is also used for the non-Gift distribution by default, but you can change it to any Fund.

3. Make any changes to the Amount or Fund ID fields for the non-Gift distribution. Make sure that the total for all non-Gift distributions add up to the Non-Gift Amount.

4. Click the Save button on the toolbar. A message appears saying that one or more General Ledger Accounts is missing. Click OK in the message window, and then click the General Ledger tab.

5. On the General Ledger tab, enter the appropriate Debit and Credit accounts for the non-Gift payment.

6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: When you post the Gift, only the Gift Amount is recorded in history as a Gift. The non-Gift amount is clearly marked as a non-Gift amount in history. The debits and credits assigned on the General Ledger tab will be made to the General Ledger journal.

Note: The Gift Acknowledgement - Export includes both Gift and Non-Gift amounts, so a proper acknowledgement and receipt can be created automatically. The Gift Deposit Form reflects the full check amount. Refer to Processing Gifts for more information.

Tip: Other Uses for the Non-Gift Amount

Some organizations use the non-Gift amount to enter miscellaneous cash receipts. This method has an advantage over making direct G/L Journal entries because the Deposit Form can be used (and if the deposit is being made to a checking account, an entry will be automatically entered into the reconciliation system).

To use the Gift entry this way, do the following:

1. If you do not need to track who the miscellaneous cash receipt is from, create a Profile and Donor record called (for example) Non-Gift Entries.

2. Use this “dummy” Donor record for all non-Gift receipts.

Note: If you create a Profile record to track the name and address of the person the money is received from, you must also create a Donor record (even though this person may not be considered a Donor or Prospect.)

3. Leave the Gift Amount field blank when you create the Gift, and put the total amount in the Non-Gift Amount field.

You can also use the non-Gift amount to record gains or loss on stock Gifts. Refer to Recording Non-Cash Gifts for more information.


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