Interfund Gift Adjustments Show Two Lines on Fund Statement
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Interfund Gift Adjustments Show Two Lines on Fund Statement

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Article summary

After adjusting the GL account and the Distribution Type on an interfund gift, two lines are shown on the fund statement in the gift detail section for the fund, one 0.00 line for the reversal and another for the gift. Every subsequent adjustment adds an additional line to the fund statement for the gift in question.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to the Gift module\Gift History tab
2. Find the interfund gift in question and go to the Adjustment tab
3. Click on Adjust Gift
4. Use the original gift date as the adjustment date
5. In Unposted Gifts change the Distribution Type from Gifts to Principal to Gifts to Income
6. On the General Ledger tab change the credit account from Interfund Gifts-Historic to Interfund Gifts-Available.
7. Post adjustment and reversal
8. Note on fund statement that there are now two lines on the statement for the interfund gift, one 0.00 and one showing the gift amount.  
This issue is resolved in FIMS 14.66 

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