Invalid Date Input (85) when Importing Contacts with the Spreadsheet Import Wizard
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Invalid Date Input (85) when Importing Contacts with the Spreadsheet Import Wizard

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Article summary

When attempting to import contacts using the spreadsheet import wizard the error Invalid Date Input (85) even though the dates are formatted correctly in the spreadsheet.

Documentation on importing contacts:

How can I Import Contact Records into FIMS?

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to Tools\System Utilities\Run Procedure
2. Click Browser to find the procedure gui\imports\d-ssimp.w which is located in \npo\found\FIMS\GUI\Imports
3. Click Ok
4. Run the Wizard to import the contacts
5. See error occur upon importing

This issue was data specific with regard to Excel file formatting.

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