Investment Performance Report
  • 17 May 2023
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Investment Performance Report

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Article summary


You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > FACTS Reports > Investment Performance Report

Investment Performance Report

This report provides a simple calculation of investment performance based on the following method:

NOTE: This calculation provides an approximation of total investment return. It does not look at asset allocation or risk, nor does it consider daily stock prices or daily cash flow. It assumes that changes in market value (not due to earnings) occur evenly over the month and can be estimated by dividing the net contributions for the month in two.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > FACTS > Investment Performance.

Investment Performance Report

Investment Performance Report Fields

NOTE: The Fund-related fields on this report are only available if you select the Include Detail about each Fund in the Pool checkbox when you run the report.



Fund ID

The Fund ID whose performance you are viewing.

Fund Name

The name of the Fund whose performance you are viewing.

Beginning Value

The total Fund value at the beginning of the selected date range.

Receipts / Disbursements

The total amount of disbursements or other receipts during the selected date range.

Net Investment Return

The net return on all investments for the Fund during the selected date range.

Ending Value

The total Fund value at the end of the selected date range.

Rate of Return

The percentage rate of return for investments for each Fund.

Investment Account

The beginning value, receipts, investment return, ending value, and rate of return for each individual investment account.

NOTE: This information is only available if you select the Include Detail about each Account in the Pool checkbox when you run the report.

Total Pool Performance

The total performance statistics for all Funds in the pool.


Running the Investment Performance Report

  1. In the FACTS module, select Reports > Investment Performance. A FIMS Notes window opens, explaining the calculation.

    FIMS Notes Window
  2. Close the FIMS Notes window. The Investment Performance Selections window opens.

    Investment Performance Selections Window
  3. Click the arrow in the Pool drop-down box and select the desired pool.
  4. In the From Date and Thru Date fields, enter the date range that you want to use as the basis for your report.
  5. (Optional) If you want to run the report for a specific Fund (or group of Funds), enter the desired Fund ID code(s) in the From / Through Fund fields.
  6. Select or clear the following checkboxes to determine what will appear on your report:
  • Include Investment and Bank Fees in Net Contribution: Subtracts any fees from the net investment return.
  • Include Detail about each Fund in the Pool: Adds detailed information about each Fund, including the beginning value, receipts, investment return, ending value, and rate of return.
  • Include Detail about each Account in the Pool: Adds detailed information about each investment account, including the beginning value, receipts, investment return, ending value, and rate of return.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button.

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