Is it possible to Import Notes on Existing Profiles?
  • 20 Dec 2022
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Is it possible to Import Notes on Existing Profiles?

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Article summary

Is it possible to import notes on the notes tab on existing profiles?


At this time it is not possible to import notes on existing profiles but you can import them to new profiles. You would use new profile ID codes not already in FIMS

Use the Spreadsheet Import Wizard:
  1. Navigate to Tools > System Utilities > Run Procedure
  2. Input gui\imports\d-ssimp.w and click OK
  3. Select import file and correct ranges.
  4. Click next.
  5. Select "Fims Table: Profile"
  6. Map "IDCODE" to IDCODE
  7. To import notes on notes tab, map "Notes" to "Txt" (all the way at the bottom of the mapping list)
  8. Select Next and then Finish

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