Is there a way to update the reconciliation date in AP with a file from the bank?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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Is there a way to update the reconciliation date in AP with a file from the bank?

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Article summary

I can get a file from the bank with the check number and reconciliation date.  Is there a tool to update the values or do I have to do them manually?
I ran the Import /Update Cleared check utility, but I don't see any dates in the list.  It isn't working.

There is a tool on the AP > File Maintenance menu called Import/Update Cleared Check Date that will update the reconciliation date in the Transaction tab in AP with the date from a file.  The utility will match on the check number and amount of the check.

The information received from the bank must be saved in a CSV file format and it must contain the check number and the check amount.  You can also map the cleared date from a column in the file or use the Select option on the check date field in the set-up screen to indicate a single date to be used for all records matched.

If you need to "unpost" a reconciled AP reconciliation later using the Unpost Check Reconciliation tool, having the same date on all checks cleared in the same month makes that process less arduous.

Once you have filled in your setup and clicked Import a report will display. Depending upon your choice, you will either have all the records displayed or just the exceptions. If you are satisfied with the results, click Import Date from the menu and the dates will move to the FIMS records in the reconciliation.

If you are not seeing the cleared dates in the transaction list, you probably forgot to click the Import Date menu item.

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