It appears that some elements of this payment have had a change to payee ID Code when Trying to Void a Grant Check After Running Grantee Correction
  • 20 Jan 2023
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It appears that some elements of this payment have had a change to payee ID Code when Trying to Void a Grant Check After Running Grantee Correction

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Article summary

After running the grantee correction procedure on a grant with the grantee and the payee being different and not voiding the check fist, the update payee information is greyed out on the grantee correction procedure.

When then trying to void the payment the message, "It appears that some elements of this payment have had a change to payee ID Code. Voids\Unvoids need to be done with vouchers using the same payee ID as on the check. Please change the Payee ID back to the original, using grant adjustment for grantee, then void\unvoid the check, change the payee ID to what it should be, again using grantee adjustment, and proceed as planned." occurs.

Apply to
Check ID Code (Appay)
Application ID Code (Aptranhis)

Steps To Duplicate:
 1. Go to the Grants Module\Application History
 2. Run the Grantee Correction procedure to try to update the payee without voiding the check first
 3. Note that the procedure completes.
 4. The grantee is changed on the application but not the payee
 5. Attempt to void the check, receive message "It appears that some elements of this payment have had a change to payee ID Code. Voids\Unvoids need to be done with vouchers using the same payee ID as on the check. Please change the Payee ID back to the original, using grant adjustment for grantee, then void\unvoid the check, change the payee ID to what it should be, again using grantee adjustment, and proceed as planned."
 6. Attempt to run the grantee correction to update the payee, note that the checkbox to update payee information is greyed out
This is resolved in FIMS 14.72.

Grantee correction can now be done on grants that are still in AP Open Items. Note: Fully paid grants still do not allow grantee correction

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