Keyboard Shortcuts
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to perform various tasks in FIMS:



Opens the user-defined FIMS Help window, where you can enter your own help information for a particular field, tab, or window in FIMS.

Refer to User-Defined FIMS Help for more information on configuring your own help information.

Note: This is not the same as the FIMS online help system, which contains the same information as the FIMS User Guide. You can access FIMS online help by selecting Help > FIMS Help.


Opens the Data Grid associated with the type of record you are currently viewing (for example, if you are viewing an Application record, pressing F3 will open the Applications Data Grid).


Displays the available options for code fields, date fields, or lookup lists.


Clears all text to the right of the cursor in many FIMS data fields.


Opens a Show Procedure window that displays the Progress field name for the current field.

Note: If you use this method to find out field names, make sure you clear the Show Filenames Before Executing Procedures checkbox so the Show Procedure window does not open before running procedures.


Either moves the cursor to the next data field on the page, or, if a button is in focus, acts as though the button was clicked.

Note: If you press Enter in a Note or Comment field, it will act as a carriage return and move the cursor down one line instead of moving it to the next field.

Recommendation: Use the Tab key instead of the Enter key to move between data entry fields. Use Enter as an alternative to your mouse for “clicking” buttons.


Moves the cursor to the next data field on the page.

Recommendation: Use the Tab key instead of the Enter key to move between data entry fields.

Shift + Tab

Moves the cursor to the previous data field on the page.

Up/Down Arrow

Moves up or down one line in Data Grids.

Page Up/Down

Moves up or down one full page in Data Grids.


Moves to the first record in a Data Grid.


Moves to the last record in a Data Grid.

= (Equal) or + (Plus)

Pressing either of these keys in a date field will increase the date by one day. Note: If the date field is blank, pressing either key will insert the current date in the field.

- (dash) or _ (underscore)

Pressing either of these keys in a date field will decrease the date by one day. Note: If the date field is blank, pressing either key will insert the current date in the field.


Enter a "T" in any date field to enter today's date in the field.


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