Kimbia Import Mapping Management Utility
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Kimbia Import Mapping Management Utility

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Article summary

Kimbia Import Mapping Management Utility

A Kimbia Import Mapping Management utility is available to help organize mapping templates used for importing CVS files.

To access the utility, go to Tools > System Utilities > Kimbia Import Mapping Management.

This dialog lists all the templates that have been created.

Each item is a combination of the name of the template and a short description separated by a dash (thus, for improved clarity, it is suggested to exclude dashes from the description.)

There are three buttons:

  • New - Clicking the New button will display the next screen with all black fill in areas.
    A template has not yet been created.

  • Connections - Clicking the Connections button will display the next screen of the selected template displaying a list of the previous connections that were made for the template.

  • Cancel -Closes the screen.



The Connections dialog is used to create a template for Kimbia Mapping.

The Name and Description of the template are shown at the top of the form. When a new template is made, these two elements will be blank (and required) text fields. The user will be required to enter some (hopefully, descriptive) text to create a new template.

The left panel lists every connection that has been made for the current template. Selecting a connection will automatically populate the information on the right panel.

The top of the right panel enables one to define the Import Fields and a Source Field for the template.

  • Import Fields – The magnify glass on the right will bring up an open file screen.  Here you can navigate to the file you will be creating connections for. Once the path has been up loaded, the Source Field box becomes a drop down box populated with every header in that file.

  • Source Field – If a path has not been placed in the Import Fields, the Source Field will stay an input text box.
    Users will want to type in the header of the column from the file they are making a connection for. Spelling has to be exact to allow the connection to work on the import.

    Typing a path in Import Fields causes the Source Field to becomes a drop-down list. This is the preferred way to make connections leaving no room for typographical errors.

The bottom right panel contains two drop down lists: Target Table and Target Field.

  • Target Table - The drop down list is populated with the few tables in FIMS that are related to Kimbia import files.  (Profile, Gift, Application, Pledge, and any field maker table.)

  • Target Field - The Target Field drop down contains a list of the Target Table’s fields.

On the bottom there are four action buttons:

  • Add - Creates a new connection for the current template.  If a new template is being made, the first connection will also create the template. 

  • Update - Clicking the Update button will update the Target Table and/or Target Field with newly entered information.

  • Delete - Clicking the Delete button will remove the (selected) unwanted connection from the current template.

  • Cancel – Clicking the Cancel button closes the Connections form.

Note: When the Connection screen is closed, the Map Template screen will still be up and need to be closed once the user is done. If a new template is created, the Map Template screen that is still up will not have the new template. To see the template, the Map Template screen must be closed and reopened.


Online Fund Raising

The Online Fund Raising uses a template to import the file.

At the lower left there is a new Map Template drop down list populated with every map template that has been created. Simply select the template that has the right connections for the file being imported.

Dynamic Grant Import

The Dynamic Grant Import is a new import that can be used for the grant module. The screen looks and works the same as the Online Fund Raising Import screen but mimics what the Grant Import would do. 


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