Location of FIMS Databases
  • 29 Apr 2024
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Location of FIMS Databases

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Location of FIMS Databases

After FIMS is installed, you will find some new directories off the root level of your hard drive. Normally two databases will be installed – a Test and Learn database (in the Demo directory), and your organization’s main (live) database (in the Found directory). You can periodically copy your live database to the test database directory in order to train and test procedures with data that is virtually identical to your live data.

Live Database

  • C:\npo\Found\dbfiles
    • Found.D1 (live database file).

    • Found.B1 (Before Image file – protecting against a database

    • crash).

    • Found.LG (Log File – tracks user activity).

    • Found.DB (pointer file that directs you to the B1 and D1

    • files).

    • Found.ST (file that sets the path of each database).

Test and Learn Database:

  • C:\NPO\Demo\dbfiles
    • Found.D1 (actual data).

    • Found.B1 (Before Image file – protecting against a database

    • crash).

    • Found.LG (Log File – tracks user activity).

    • Found.DB (pointer file that directs you to the B1 and D1

    • files).

    • Found.ST (file that sets the path of each database). 

Location of Key Files for FIMS

FIMS programs and data files will be installed in a shared directory on your Windows server. The exact location of the directory will vary, depending on the existing directory structure on the server.

FIMS is installed in a directory called NPO (for example, c:\NPO). This directory will have three sub-directories:

  • \NPO\DLC – Progress database server programs, including the Progress Client and Results Report Writer.

  • \NPO\FOUND – (and subdirectories) Live database, FIMS compiled programs, and source code.

  • \NPO\DEMO – Test and Learn database.

Note: Each workstation will be mapped to the NPO directory on the server. For example, if the database is in the server directory C:\NPO\FOUND, the workstation might have its N drive mapped to \\<servername>\NPO. See this article on setting up FIMS on workstations.

FIMS Compiled Application Programs and Source Code

The FIMS system itself, the files that contain the compiled programs and the source code, are located in a subdirectory of FOUND, named FIMS (C:\NPO\FOUND\FIMS\).

Progress Client Software and the Results Report Writer are located in the C:\NPO\DLC\ directory.

FIMS Lock Files

If FIMS abnormally terminates (for example, if you lose power or Windows crashes while you are running FIMS), a lock file will be created on the machine where FIMS is installed that may prevent you from restarting FIMS (or rerunning an interrupted FIMS procedure). 

Tip: Refer to Clear Process Lock Flags for more information.


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