Look Up General Ledger Accounts
  • 21 Jul 2023
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Look Up General Ledger Accounts

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You are here: General Ledger > General Ledger Accounts and Manual Journal Entries > Look Up General Ledger Accounts

Look Up General Ledger Accounts

G/L Account Lookup (like the Accounts Data Grid) is available wherever G/L Account entry is required. You can click the Lookup button (which either looks like a magnifying glass or an arrow) to access the G/L Account Lookup window and select the desired account.

Note: The information in this procedure applies to all General Ledger account lookups in FIMS. It also applies to looking up General Ledger accounts from the Accounts supertab, General Ledger Account Maintenance, and the G/L YTD Account Inquiry.

Example: G/L Account Lookup Window

G/L Account Lookup Fields



G/L Account

The General Ledger account segment fields for the account. You can enter information in any or all of these fields to help locate the appropriate account.

Refer to General Ledger Account Key Segments for more information on these segments.


The Account Type code for the specific type of account you want to find (for example, A1 = Current Assets, X1 = Expenses)


The fiscal year that determines the available accounts to display for that year, along with debit and credit balance information (in conjunction with the selected Period).

There is a new General Ledger for each fiscal year, so each year may have different accounts.


The fiscal period within the selected year that controls debit and credit balance information for each account.

Note: If you want to clear the selection criteria at any time, place your cursor in any of the G/L Account segment fields and press F8 on your keyboard.

Lookup by Fund and Account

General Ledger Account lookup is generally Fund-directed, so you can find most accounts by entering their Fund ID and natural account number.

1. Click the Lookup button in the appropriate G/L Account field. The G/L Account Lookup window opens.
G/L Account Lookup Window

2. Enter the Fund ID to sort the list by the appropriate Fund and automatically select the first account for the Fund.

3. Enter the natural Account number you want to use. The Data Grid will automatically scroll to the selected account (or to the closest account number it can find if it does not find an exact match).

4. Once you locate the desired account, either double-click the entry or press Enter on your keyboard to select it.

Lookup by Segments in Sequence

You can sort and find General Ledger accounts based on their associated Fund codes, which comprise other G/L account segments.

Note: You must enter the segments in order, beginning with the Division code, (even if all your Funds have the same Division code). The sort order for the lookup list will always be by General Ledger Account Key, and the Data Grid will scroll down to the first account with the selected code.

1. Click the Lookup button in the appropriate G/L Account field. The G/L Account Lookup window opens.
G/L Account Lookup Window (Division, Class, Type, and Sub Type)

2. In the first segment field, enter the desired Division code.

3. In the second segment field, enter the desired Class code. The Data Grid will automatically scroll to the first account that matches these two codes.

4. If you do not see the desired account after entering the first two codes, enter the Type code in the third segment field, and then the Sub Type code in the fourth segment field.

Note: You cannot skip a segment.

Tip: You can also use the scroll bar to scroll through the list of accounts.

5. Once you locate the desired account, either double-click the entry or press Enter on your keyboard to select it.

Lookup by Class, Type, or Subtype

You can enter a value in either the Class, Type, or Sub Type field, to sort the list by that segment. You can then scroll down to find the first account of the first Fund with the selected code.

1. Click the Lookup button in the appropriate G/L Account field. The G/L Account Lookup window opens.
2. Enter the desired code in either the Class, Type, or Sub Type field. The Data Grid will automatically sort the entries based on the code you enter. You can then use the scroll bar to move through the list of accounts for Funds with the selected code.

3. Once you locate the desired account, either double-click the entry or press Enter on your keyboard to select it.

Lookup by Account

If you enter a natural account number, the lookup list will sort first by that account number, and then by the full G/L Account Key. This method is useful if you want to see the balances or activity for a particular kind of account across all Funds.

1. Click the Lookup button in the appropriate G/L Account field. The G/L Account Lookup window opens.
G/L Account Lookup Window (Account Field)

2. Enter the desired natural account number. The Data Grid will automatically sort the list based on the natural account number and scroll to the first matching account. You can then use the scroll bar to move through the list and find the desired account.

3. Once you locate the desired account, either double-click the entry or press Enter on your keyboard to select it.

Lookup by Account Type

The Account Type lookup is independent of the G/L Segment lookup. The Account Type field appears to the right of the segment fields and allows you to sort the lookup list by Account Type.

1. Click the Lookup button in the appropriate G/L Account field. The G/L Account Lookup window opens.
G/L Account Lookup Window (Account Type)

2. Click the arrow in the Type field and select the desired Account Type. The Data Grid will automatically sort the list based on this code and scroll to the first matching account. You can then use the scroll bar to move through the list and find the desired account.

3. Once you locate the desired account, either double-click the entry or press Enter on your keyboard to select it.

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