Maintain Profile Special Handling Codes
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Maintain Profile Special Handling Codes

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Maintain Profile Special Handling Codes

Special Handling codes allow you to provide extra information about a Profile or Fund that applies to their use in a particular transaction in FIMS.

Note: Special Handling codes can be applied to both Profiles and Funds. The maintenance process (and code table) is the same whether you are maintaining codes for Profiles or Funds.

1. In the Fund Management module, select File Maintenance >Profile Code Maintenance > Special Handling. The Special Handling Code data grid opens.

Special Handling Code Data Grid

2. Either click the New button on the left-hand side of the toolbar or select the desired code and click the Edit Special Handling button. The Edit Special Handling Code window opens.

Example: Edit Special Handling Code Window

3. In the Special Handling field, enter the code that you want to use (up to 10 characters).

4. In the Special Handling Description field (to the right of the code field), enter a short text description of the code.

5. In the Applies To section, select the option associated with the module where you want to be able to assign the code: Fund, Profile or Both.

6. In the Special Handling Instructions section, enter the full text of the instructions you want to associate with the code. This information will appear each time the Fund or Profile associated with the code is added to a gift, grant, voucher, scholarship, or pledge.

7. In the Pop Up for Modules section, select the checkbox associated with each module where you want the special handling instructions to appear. Clear the checkboxes for any modules where you do not want the instructions to appear.

8. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

9. Repeat this process to create or edit any additional codes.

10. When you are finished, click the Close button.

When the special handling code is assigned to a Profile, a window like the following will appear when the Profile is used for a transaction that is associated with the special handling code. You can use this window to view the special handling information, along with the Profile Notepads and Donor or Grantee Comments.

Example: Special Handling Popup in Grant Application


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