Maintaining Fund Scholarship Records
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Maintaining Fund Scholarship Records

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Maintaining Fund Scholarship Records

The Fund Scholarship record identifies each available Scholarship and the Fund that offers the Scholarship.

All Scholarship applications must be linked to a Fund Scholarship record (you cannot post the application without entering a valid ID in the Schol. Fund field on the Application tab). Therefore, you need to create at least one Fund Scholarship record for every Fund that will award a Scholarship.

There can be more than one Fund Scholarship record per Fund. Examples of different Fund Scholarships include Scholarships that have different names, different award criteria, or different amounts.

NOTE: If a Fund Scholarship has more than one recipient, it is not necessary to create separate Fund Scholarship records for each recipient.

  1. In the Scholarship Management module, select File Maintenance > Fund Scholarship Records. The Fund Scholarship Data Grid opens.
    Fund Scholarship Data Grid
  2. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Fund Scholarship Entry window opens.
    Fund Scholarship Entry Window
  1. In the Fund ID field, enter the Fund ID for the Fund that is offering the Scholarship.

    NOTE: This field will become read-only once you save the new record.

  1. Either select or clear the Active checkbox to determine if the Scholarship is currently being offered. This checkbox is selected by default.
  2. In the Deadline field, enter the date when applications must be received for consideration for the Scholarship.
  3. Enter the Scholarship Title.
  4. (Optional) Enter the Committee Code and Date when the committee will meet to discuss the Scholarship applications. The data in these fields will automatically flow into the Scholarship Application.
  5. Enter the total Scholarship Amount that is being offered. The amount in this field will automatically flow into the Scholarship Application once it is approved.
  6. (Optional) Enter the Number of Years that the Scholarship will be offered. This field is used for informational purposes only and does not affect applications.
  7. (Optional) Enter the number of Payments Per Year that will be made for this Scholarship. This field is used for informational purposes only and does not affect applications.
  8. (Optional) Enter a Description of the Scholarship.
  9. (Optional) If there are any restrictions on how the Scholarship may be used, enter them in the Allowed Use of Funds field.
  10. Click the Save button on the toolbar.
  11. If you want to add another Fund Scholarship record, click the New button on the toolbar and repeat this process for the next record. If you are finished, click the Done button.

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