Matching Gifts
  • 13 Jul 2023
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Matching Gifts

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You are here: Gifts > Gift Entry > Matching Gifts

Recording Matching Gifts

Sometimes an employer offers to match an employee’s charitable Gifts. These Gifts often include a form that must be submitted to the employer in order to receive the matching contribution. However, it is sometimes up to the organization to remember to send notification of the employee Gift.

You should generally create a unique Match code for every type of match program associated with Gifts to your organization. In addition to a code and description, you can enter the ratio of the employer’s promised match to the employee Gift (for example, 1-to-1 or 2-to-1). You can also indicate whether a Pledge should automatically be created for the matching Gift.

Note: You can only create a Pledge if you have the optional Pledge Management module.

You can use the Match code in the following ways to help record matching Gifts:

  • On the Gift Record: In the Additional Detail section of the Gift tab, enter the appropriate Match Code and Match ID (the ID code of the employer – which must have a Profile and a Donor record).

  • On the Donor Record: In the Matching Gift section of the Donor tab, enter the appropriate Match Code and Match ID. These entries will automatically be automatically added to every Gift from the selected Donor.

Once the Gifts are posted, you can use the Gift History report (selected for a specific date range and Match code) to list all of the Gifts that qualify for a match. You can then copy and paste this information to create a notification for the employer. Refer to the Gift History Report for more information.

If you are using the Pledge Management module, and you have a firm commitment from the employer regarding participation in a matching program, you can set the Create Pledge field in the Match code record to Yes.

Example: Match Code with Create Pledge Settings

When a qualifying Gift is posted, an unposted Pledge for the amount indicated by the match ratio is automatically created in the Pledge Management module. You can then run the Acknowledge Matching Pledges report to create notification letters to the employer. Refer to Running the Acknowledge Matching Pledges Report in the Pledge Management module for more information.

In some cases a corporate or private organization offers to match Gifts – sometimes with conditions as to the nature or purpose of the Gift. You can use a unique Match code and the Match ID of the corporate organization to record qualifying Gifts, so you can list the Gifts when requesting a matching contribution.

Tip: Tracking Matching Gifts:

  • If the Gifts must accumulate to a pre-set threshold before the matching organization will match them, use the Gift History Report to periodically test the total. Refer to the Gift History Report for more information.

  • If the qualifying contributions are made to a single Fund, fill out the Begin Goal (date), End Goal (date) and Goal Amount on the Fund 2 tab in the Fund Management module. You can then use the Fund Goal Report to track progress toward the matching threshold. Refer to the Fund Goal Report for more information.


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