Maximum Length Setting on Recommendation Form in DonorCentral is Ignored
  • 18 Jan 2023
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Maximum Length Setting on Recommendation Form in DonorCentral is Ignored

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Article summary

When going to DonorCentral and adding a maximum length for characters in grant descriptions and purpose fields, the maximum length setting is ignored. Recommenders can still use more characters than what is set for the maximum length.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Log into DonorCentral
2. Click Control Panel
3. Select Recommendation Form
4. Edit grant purpose
5. Go to validation portion
6. Insert example of 50 max length for purpose and/or description

After making grant recommendation the recommender is able to put more than 50 characters. After going back and checking the maximum amount for the area above, it is blank. 
This is resolved in the new SKY version of DC that was released starting on 3/8/2021 in waves. 

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