Message Cannot Reset Hidden Files when doing Full FIMS Upgrade
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Message Cannot Reset Hidden Files when doing Full FIMS Upgrade

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Article summary

When doing a full FIMS upgrade, a message similar to 'Cannot reset hidden files' may occur in the command window when the installer is run. A list of hidden files that the upgrade installer has identified is presented in the command window.

For the files referenced in the command line window, you may need to go to the pathway referenced and find the file in question and right-click on the file and select Properties and then uncheck the Hidden flag. Click Apply and Ok of the upgrade has issues proceeding past that message. Many times though, depending on what files are hidden the installer will proceed without issue if the files are not needed by the upgrade.

Note that some of the files may be 'thumb.db' files which are system files and the hidden attribute cannot be removed from those. For those files, if you have issues with the upgrade proceeding after that point, you can move those files out of the directory listed if necessary and then move back to the correct directory after the upgrade, again, only if you have issues with the installer proceeding past that point.

After removing the hidden flag from the files referenced in the list or moving the 'thumb.db' files listed close the upgrade command window and re-launch the upgrade installer to ensure an error free upgrade. The command window should be free of errors to allow the upgrade to continue correctly.

See the following documentation on the full upgrade process. 14.71 was the last full upgrade:

FIMS 14.71 Upgrade Guide (

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