New Affiliations Data Grid Function Released in FIMS 14.72
  • 19 Jan 2023
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New Affiliations Data Grid Function Released in FIMS 14.72

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Article summary

The new $Affiliations data grid function released in FIMS 14.72 on 3/3/20 has a unique set of circumstances of which you could make use. Please see below for more information about this feature.


The new $Affiliations data grid function released in FIMS 14.72 on 3/3/20 has a unique set of circumstances of which you could make use.

Note: You cannot add the “$Affiliations” function to simply add all affiliation codes associated to a profile to a data grid.

The $Affiliations function is intended to be used to help discern why a full-view data grid has returned a particular profile when affiliations have been chosen in the selection criteria of the data grid.

Many foundations utilize affiliation codes extensively for various purposes, and some data grid queries can have upwards of 20 or more affiliation codes as part of the selection criteria.

The $Affiliations function, when used in conjunction with selection criteria that selects on particular Affiliation Codes, will list which affiliation codes applied to the profile caused the query to return that profile as part of the results.

For example, if you created a data grid looking for Active Profiles with Name and Address information while adding the $Affiliations function, but selecting only those profiles that have the “Donor,” “board,” “dist,” or “Committees” affiliation codes, the resulting data grid would return your results with an additional column indicating which of those four affiliation codes were applied to that profile.

This gives you an additional way to verify that the results returned by your query are indeed correct, and will also help you determine if your results contain data that you aren’t expecting, perhaps as a result of your selection criteria.

Example Data Grid Setup:

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