New Feature when using Auto-Launch for Exports in FIMS for on-premise Customers
  • 09 Jan 2024
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New Feature when using Auto-Launch for Exports in FIMS for on-premise Customers

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Article summary

I just upgraded to FIMS 14.73\14.74 and I noticed a new feature when using auto-launch for exports, what is this new feature and how do I use it?

How do I auto-launch Microsoft Word for a mail merge?


What is this window that comes up when using auto-launch?
The window that comes up when using Auto-launch, is actually the Create Individual Documents in Word from a Mail Merge process which can also be accessed in Reports > Create Individual Word Documents.

Create Individual Documents in Word from a Mail Merge process

This feature was released in FIMS 14.73, see page 5 of the 14.73 Release Notes.

What is auto-launch?
The Auto-Launch Word feature is a convenience feature for on-premises customers that automatically merges your data into an existing document which will open the merge template that you specified in the export and will merge the data.

Note that you do not have to use Auto-Launch, you can uncheck the checkbox to Automatically Launch MS Word and just export the data and then later navigate to the Word template and manually merge the letter and run any needed macros. Using the features in this window are just an alternative way of merging letters and running macros on them to create individual documents. You can either use this new window or just run macros manually in Word if you choose.

Example: Auto-launch for Fund Statements:

Alternatives to using Auto-launch:
If you choose to not use auto-launch, you would do the following:

1. Un-check the check box to Automatically launch MS Word for the export in question
2. Export out the raw text data files
3. Navigate to where your grant letter, gift letter or fund statement template is located
4. Merge the letter manually in Word
5. Manually run macros in Word

How to Create Fund Statements in Microsoft Word
How to Create and Run Grant Letters in Microsoft Word
How do I Create and Run Gift Acknowledgement Letters?
How do I save Gift Acknowledgements, Fund Statements, and Grantee Correspondence to Profile or Fund Folders?

The Auto-launch Merge and Create Individual Documents Feature 
If you are an on-premises customer and you choose to use the Auto-Launch feature, you will see the Auto-launch Merge and Create Individual Documents window appear.

The screenshot below is for fund statements. To see what this window would look like for other exports such as Gift and Grant letters, see the following:
Create Individual Documents in Word from a Mail Merge process

Choose the location to which to create each individual document. The built-in macro that you choose here in the list will run and will save an individual document to a fund or profile or in the case of fund statements to the eadvisor\statements folder if chosen.
Create Individual Documents in Word from a Mail Merge process

To the right of each destination, you will see the name of the macro that is being run. These same macros can be run in Microsoft Word as well.

File Type:
You can choose to create an individual Word or PDF document. Each individual Word or PDF document will be saved in the location that you choose under Destination.

Report options:
• Auto Launch Only – For the On-Premises user, this auto-launches the Merge Document but doesn’t create individual documents in a destination, it only auto-launches the Merge Document. From there you can manually run macros in Word if you wish.
• Auto Launch and Create – For the On-Premises user, this auto-launches the Merge Document and creates individual documents to the destination that you choose

Example: Fund Statements:

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