Next Action date is incorrect when generating recurring grants from Fund Distributions in FIMS
  • 10 Apr 2023
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Next Action date is incorrect when generating recurring grants from Fund Distributions in FIMS

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Article summary

When creating recurring grants from Fund Distributions, the distributions being pulled in are outside of the Next Action Date used to filter on recurring grants. 

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Go to File Maintenance > Grants > Recurring Grants from Fund Distributions.
  2. Enter in a date in Next Action Date Through
  3. Select OK
  4. In the report that follow notice that there are recurring grants for future dates outside of the Next Action Date you selected

The report was running correctly and the results were not interpreted correctly:

For non-recurring distributions, nothing appears in the ‘Next Action Date’ column.

For recurring distributions, it is creating the grant based on the action date selected, and then this column shows when the Next (key word here) Action date would be based on the recurring frequency, whether it be monthly, yearly etc.

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