Override General Ledger Defaults
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Override General Ledger Defaults

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Article summary

Override General Ledger Defaults

FIMS automatically creates default G/L debits and credits for routine transactions (Gifts, Grants, Pledges, and Administrative Fees). These default values are set up for similar groups of Funds in the Fund Class record. If there are exceptions to one or more of the defaults for a specific Fund, you can enter those exceptions on the G/L Overrides tab for that Fund.

Note: Refer to Maintaining Fund Class Codes for more information about setting default values for routine transactions.

  1. In the Fund Management module, open the desired Fund record, and then click the G/L Overrides tab.

    G/L Overrides Tab

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Account / Value field will open for editing.

  3. Press the arrow on your keyboard until you reach the default account that you want to override.

  4. Either enter the natural account number for the account you want to use, or click the arrow in the field to select the desired account from a drop-down list. The name of the account will automatically be added to the Account Description field.

  5. Repeat this process for any additional default accounts you want to override for the Fund.

  6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: If you want to verify the default General Ledger accounts for each Fund Class in the Fund Class code table, click the View Fund Classes button at the bottom of the G/L Overrides tab.


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