Payment Selection Report
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Payment Selection Report

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Article summary

Payment Selection Report

Use the Payment Selection Report to review Grant or administrative payables that are due before actually printing checks.

Some organizations post a year’s worth of repetitive Administrative Vouchers (for example, rent payments) and use this report to see what is coming due. Most organizations use the report for Grant payables. The selection fields for the report are very similar to those for Print Checks.

Tip: You can run this report from the Reports menu or from the Processes tab on the Open Items super tab in the Accounts Payable module. Refer to Processing Open Items in Accounts Payable for more information.

Tip: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > Payment Selection Report.

Payment Selection Report Fields




The Vendor or Grantee’s ID code.

Grantee / Vendor

The Vendor or Grantee’s report name.

Doc #

The Voucher number.

Due Date

The date when payment is due on the Voucher.

Invoice #

The number on the vendor’s invoice.

Note: For Grant Vouchers, this number will be the same as the Grant number.

Open Invoice Amt.

The total amount due and the amount that will be paid from each Fund (if there are multiple Funds).

Selected Amt.

The amount of any partial payment to be made on the open amount.

Disc Taken

The amount of any discount on the payment.

Check Amt.

The total check amount.


Indicates whether any part of the amount due is on hold.


If a Grant payment has a follow up record with a past due condition, "Past Due" appears in this column on the report.

Program Officer

The name of the program officer associated with the payment (for Grants).


The Program Name (for Grants or Scholarships).

Held Voucher Count

The total number of Vouchers on hold.

Check Count

The total number of checks that will be printed.

Unapplied Debit Memos

This section lists any unapplied debit memos created in Voucher Entry that should be applied to open items.

Tip: Refer to Applying Debit Memos to Open Items in the Accounts Payable module for more information.

Running the Payment Selection Report

1. In the Accounts Payable module, select Reports > Payment Selection Report
Payment Selection Report Criteria Window

2. Select the Pay Through Date. Only Open Items with due dates on or before this date will be included on the report. The default value is the current date.

3. (Optional) Enter the Discount Date. This date selects Open Items that should be paid based on the Discount Date on the Voucher. This field is blank by default.

4. Click the arrow in the Voucher Types drop-down box and select the type(s) of Open Items that you want to include on the report: All Payments, Admin, All Grants, Scholarship Grants, or Non-Scholarship Grants.

5. Click the arrow in the ACH Payments drop-down box and select the type of payments you want to include: All Payments, ACH Payments, or Non-ACH Payments.

6. (Optional) Enter either the Natural Account Key or the Full G/L Account Key for the account you will use to print checks for the selected Open Items. This is useful if, for example, you have multiple checking accounts.

7. (Optional) If you are running the report for Grant Vouchers, and you want to limit your report results by Program Officer, enter the desired Program Officer. Only Grant Vouchers for the selected officer will be included on the report.

8. (Optional) To limit your report results to specific payees, enter the desired Payee Id Codes.

9. (Optional) To see the amount due from each Fund, along with the total for the Voucher, select the Display Fund Detail checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.

10. (Optional) To see results sorted by fund, select the Sort by Fund checkbox.

11. (Optional) If you only want to see what will be paid when you print checks, select the Released Items Only checkbox. If you clear this checkbox, the report will display all Vouchers that are due to be paid by the selected Pay Through Date (even if they are on hold).

Note: You can only select this checkbox if you clear the Held Items Only checkbox.

12. (Optional) If you only want to see the held items, select the Held Items Only checkbox. If you clear this checkbox, the report will display all Vouchers that are due to be paid by the selected Pay Through Date.

Note: You can only select this checkbox if you clear the Released Items Only checkbox.

13. (Optional) If you want to run the report for a specific batch of items, enter the desired range of batch numbers in the Batches From/Through fields.

14. Click OK.

15. Verify the Send To destination, and then click Run Report. The Payment Selection report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

Tip: Click Rerun Report in the FIMS Viewer to regenerate the report without needing to reenter values.


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