Pledge Cash Flow Report
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Pledge Cash Flow Report

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Article summary

Pledge Cash Flow Report

This report lists Pledge amounts that are coming due for five future time frames, along with any past due amounts.

You can either run this report as a summary or detailed report. The summary displays the Fund name, Donor name and total Pledge information. The detailed report includes information about each line item in a Pledge.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Pledges > Pledge Cash Flow Report.

Pledge Cash Flow Report Fields



Doc. No. / Line

The Pledge number and line number. This information is only available if you run a detailed report.

Apply No. / Line

The Pledge number and line number that the payment will be applied to. This information is only available if you run a detailed report.


The due date for the Pledge (line item) payment.


The type code associated with the Pledge payment.

Past Due

Any Pledge amount that is past its due date.

Pledges Due Ranges

Five user defined date ranges and all of the Pledge amounts that are due during those time frames.

 Running the Pledge Cash Flow Report

1. In the Pledge Management module, select Reports > Pledge Cash Flow Report. The Selection and Formatting window opens.

Pledge Cash Flow Selection and Formatting Window

2. Enter the first Pledge Past Due date that you want to consider for the report.

3. In the From and Through fields, enter the range of Fund ID codes and / or Donor ID codes that you want to include in the report. If you want to include all Funds and Donors, leave the From fields blank and enter ZZZZZZ in the Through fields (this is the default setting).

4. In the Date Range 1-5 fields, enter the date ranges that you want to use to see Pledge payments that are coming due.

5. In the Report Formatting Options section, select the radio button that corresponds with the report format you want to use (Detail or Summary).

6. If you want each Fund to print on a separate page, select the Form Feed After Each Fund checkbox.

7. Click OK.

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