Pool Tab
  • 19 Jul 2023
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Pool Tab

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Pool Tab

The Pool tab contains the basic information for the Pool record, including the Pool ID and Name and the associated Deposit and Disbursement Accounts.

A Pool is an investment shared by two or more Funds, from which earnings and fees are allocated equitably to participant Funds. You may also create Pool records for non-Pooled asset accounts when you want that account to participate in the Asset Rebalancing System. Refer to Using Asset Rebalancing in the General Ledger module for more information.

Pool Tab


Pool Tab Fields



Pool ID

The unique, user-defined code (up to six characters) that identifies the Pool.

NOTE: Once you save the Pool record you cannot edit the Pool ID field on this tab. Please contact FIMS Support if you need to change a Pool ID.


The name that identifies the Pool throughout FIMS.

Beginning Unit Value

The starting value of each unit in the Pool.

You can generally use $100 as the starting figure, or you can use another current unit value, which will provide an historic continuity for judging appreciation.


A reference number that identifies the current reconciliation and allocation Cycle for the Pool. The number automatically increases by 1 each time you reconcile and allocate the Pool.

NOTE: You should generally set the Cycle number to 1 (the default value) when you create a new Pool record. This will reflect the beginning balance Cycle. The first Cycle that you reconcile will be Cycle 2. Please contact FIMS Support if you want to sue a different starting number.

Use Book Balances

Checkbox that indicates whether you want to maintain Book Balances in FACTS.

This checkbox is usually cleared (the default value), so that only Market Balances are kept in FACTS.

NOTE: Refer to Tracking the Book Value of Investments for more information.

Use Income Balances

Checkbox that indicates whether you want to maintain Income Balances separately from Principal and enter changes separately.

This checkbox is usually cleared (the default value). The Income Balance for each Fund is normally kept in General Ledger. Please contact FIMS Support before selecting this checkbox.

One reason to keep Income Balances separate in FACTS is for convenience in data entry (for example, if your statements contain this distinction, it may be easier to enter the changes into separate columns on the Reconciliation tab).

There is an important functional distinction between the FACTS Income Balance and the Principal (Market) Balance. The Income Balance has no effect on the units that are held by each Fund or the allocation. This does not mean that changes (for example, earnings and fees) on income are not allocated, but that the allocations are based on the units (Market Value).

Prevent Manual Transactions

Checkbox that indicates whether you want to prohibit the manual entry of FACTS Transactions.

If you select this checkbox, you cannot create manual FACTS Transactions or edit any fields except the Confirm Date, Transaction Type, Investment Account, or Description.

If you clear this checkbox, you can create manual Transactions and edit the Transaction Date and Amount fields (along with the Confirm Date, Transaction Type, Investment Account, or Description fields). However, you cannot delete Transactions from General Ledger, regardless of whether you select or clear this checkbox.

You should almost always select this checkbox to help to ensure that FACTS stays in balance with General Ledger. If you do clear the checkbox (for special circumstances), make sure that you re-select it when you are finished with the manual Transaction. Please contact FIMS Support if you want to clear this checkbox and enter manual Transactions.

NOTE: You can permanently clear this checkbox if you want to use Transaction entry to record transfers between Investment Accounts. Please contact FIMS Support for more information.

NOTE: Sometimes, during implementation, items appear on the first bank statement which occurred in the period before General Ledger was implemented (the items have not been entered as General Ledger Journal Transactions in FIMS). These Transactions should be directly entered into FACTS via the Transactions tab. You can delay selecting the Prevent Manual Transactions checkbox until these entries are made. If FACTS beginning balances were autobuilt as usual from General Ledger values, an equal amount must be deducted from the starting balance record of the affected Fund via the Autobuild FACTS Initial Fund Values utility. Refer to Autobuilding FACTS Initial Fund Values for more information.

Use Book Balance Options

A drop-down below the Use Book Balances check box contains 3 options for using book balances (the drop-down is disabled and irrelevant if the Use Book Balances is un-checked):

No Special Book Adjustment (Default) When this checkbox is selected and a participant Fund withdraws an amount from the Pool that is greater than its book value in the Pool, the shortfall is taken from the book value of the other Funds in the Pool, in allocated proportion. In order to do this, all other Funds experience a Realized Loss (decreasing book value), and an Unrealized Gain (increasing the adjustment to market). There is no change in their market value. The pool value is unchanged.

Book Adjustment On Sale The book value is reduced based on cost of units sold. If the check box was checked prior to FIMS 14.1 then this will now be the pool’s processing option.

Special Book Adjustment This is the historical adjustment where the book value of the pool is adjusted when the book value goes below zero or the fund is closed in the pool.

Create Account Level Entries

Checkbox that determines whether posting FACTS will send entries to the General Ledger at the Investment Account level.

IMPORTANT: This checkbox is rarely selected. Contact FIMS Support before selecting this option.

Create Fund Level Entries

Checkbox that determines whether FACTS will create and send allocated entries to the General Ledger for each component Fund.

IMPORTANT: If you clear this checkbox, posting General Ledger Journal entries will not create Transactions in FACTS. You should almost always select this checkbox to help to ensure that FACTS stays in balance with General Ledger.

NOTE: You should clear this checkbox if you are creating a Pool record for a non-Pooled asset account so it can participate in Asset Rebalancing.

Create Pool Contra Entries

Checkbox that determines whether General Ledger Journal entries should be created at both the Investment Account and Fund level.

NOTE: This checkbox works in tandem with the Create Account Level Entries checkbox.

Please contact FIMS Support before you select this checkbox.

Deposit Account Code

The Investment Account code for the usual Deposit account. When deposits (General Ledger Journal entries with a Journal Key of GI or GP) are made to a participating Fund’s Pooled Asset Account in General Ledger, this Investment Account will be used for the associated FACTS Transaction.

NOTE: You must create the appropriate Investment Account record in FACTS (Accounts supertab) before you can populate this field.

Disbursement Account Code

The Investment Account code of the usual Disbursement account. When disbursements (General Ledger Journal entries with a Journal Key of anything but GI or GP) are made to a participating Fund’s Pooled Asset Account in General Ledger, this Investment Account will be used for the associated FACTS Transaction.

NOTE: You must create the appropriate Investment Account record in FACTS (Accounts supertab) before you can populate this field.


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