Posting Grant Applications
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Posting Grant Applications

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You are here: Grants > Process Grant Applications > Posting Grant Applications

Posting Grant Applications

When you post Grant Applications, they become part of Application History. Most reports access history files, so posting is necessary in order to report on past Grant Applications and awards. You must also post your Applications to update on-screen inquiries (for example, the Grantee History tab in the Profile Management module and the Grant History tab in the Fund Management module).

NOTE: If you post an Approved Application and you have an active interface to Accounts Payable, FIMS automatically creates a Grant Voucher in Accounts Payable. The Grant Number becomes the Voucher Number (and the Invoice No.), the Grant Date becomes the Invoice Date, and each line of the Payment Plan becomes a line item on the Line Items tab, with the appropriate debit and credit accounts (the accounts depend on the default accounts in the related Fund Class record).

  1. Run an error-free Grant Application Edit Report.
  2. Click Post Applications on the FIMS Viewer menu bar. A message appears to remind you that you should run any additional processes before you post the Application(s) and asks if you are ready to post.
  3. Click Yes to post the Applications and view the Posting report in the FIMS Viewer.
Running Edit and Post to A/P from the FIMS Viewer

Once you post the Application(s) you are given the option to Edit and Post Grant Vouchers in A/P directly from the Posting report.

  1. In the FIMS Viewer for the Grant Application Posting report, click Edit & Post Grant Vouchers in A/P on the menu bar. The A/P Item Edit window opens.

  2. Enter the Date range, Voucher Number range, Batch range, Voucher Type, Reporting Criteria, and Apply Date for the Vouchers you want to post, and then click OK.

NOTE: Refer to Running the A/P Item Edit Report in the Accounts Payable module for more information on posting Vouchers.

If you use the Accrual method of accounting, FIMS will make General Ledger Journal entries when you post the Vouchers in Accounts Payable. You must post these Journal entries to update the expense and payable account balances. Once you print checks and post those entries, another set of Journal entries will be made to the General Ledger Journal. You must also post these entries to update the payable and cash account balances. Refer to Running the G/L Journal Edit Report in the General Ledger module for more information on processing the journal entries.

If you use the Cash method of accounting, FIMS will not make General Ledger Journal entries when you post the Vouchers in Accounts Payable. When you print checks and post those entries, Journal entries will be made to the General Ledger Journal. You must post these entries to update the expense and cash account balances.


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