Posting Scholarship Applications
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Posting Scholarship Applications

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Posting Scholarship Applications

When Scholarship Applications are posted, they become part of Application History. Most reports access history files, so posting is necessary in order to report on past Scholarship applications and awards.

NOTE: The history files also apply to Grantee and Grant Management, so Grant reports will also include Scholarship Grants. However, the Application History and Grants records include a logical field (Scholarship, “Yes/No”) that discriminates between them, so reports can be written that access only one type of Grant.

You should always keep approved applications on file in Application History after posting. However, you can choose to keep or delete any denied or withdrawn applications (along with their associated Student record and Profile record) when you post the applications (or any time thereafter).

NOTE: If you have an active interface to A/P, a voucher is automatically created in A/P when you post an application.

  1. Run an error-free Scholarship Edit Report.
  2. Click Post Scholarships on the FIMS Viewer menu bar. A message appears to remind you that you should run any additional processes before you post the application(s) and asks if you are ready to post.
  3. Click Yes to post the Scholarship applications and display the Posting report in the FIMS Viewer.

    Example: Scholarship Application Posting Report
  4. Once you post the application(s) you are given the option to Edit and Post Grant Vouchers in A/P directly from the Posting report. Refer to the next section for more information.

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