Prerequisites Tab (Grants)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Prerequisites Tab (Grants)

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Article summary

Prerequisites Tab (Grants)

The Prerequisites tab is designed to support the Application review process for competitive Grants. It provides information about the steps involved in the Application review process along with the status of required Application elements. The information in any of these fields may be updated during the Application review process.

Note: The Required items on this tab refer to requirements for the Application process. They are not Grant conditions or benchmarks. Refer to the Conditions tab for more information on Grant conditions and the Grant follow-up record.

Prerequisites Tab

Prerequisite Fields



Staff Recommendations

Free-form text field that you can use to enter recommendations from the staff or screening committee that should be considered during the Application review process. You can also use it to enter comments about the Grant, project, or conditions just before posting.

Recommended Amt

The Grant amount that resulted from the staff or preliminary review committee recommendation.


Three fields that you can use to keep track of events that your organization generally includes in the review process (for example, meetings, site visits, and telephone calls).

Each Review field has a corresponding Done field to record the date when the item was completed, and a Comment field to add a short comment about the item.

Note: You can define the individual labels for each of the Review fields. Refer to Defining Grant Review and Required Field Labels for more information.


Six fields that you can use to keep track of whether you have the agency documents on file that are prerequisites to a complete Grant Application.

Each Required field has a corresponding Due Date and Received date that you can use to keep track of when the information is due and when it is received.

Note: You can define the individual labels for each of the Required fields. Refer to Defining Grant Review and Required Field Labels for more information.

Note: These fields are also available in the Required Items section of the Grantees tab. If you enter information into these fields on the Grantee record, the data will automatically flow into each Application for the Grantee.


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