Processes Tab (Pledges)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Processes Tab (Pledges)

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Article summary

Processes Tab (Pledges)

The Processes tab has four options that allow you to edit and post your Pledges and create Pledge acknowledgements.

Refer to Processing Pledges for more information.

Processes Tab


Processes Tab Options



Pledge Edit Report

Runs the Pledge Edit report where you can check your Pledge transactions before posting.

NOTE: You must run an error-free edit report before you can post your Pledges.

Pledge Acknowledgement Export

Exports the Pledge information to a data file that you can use to create acknowledgement letters in word processing. Refer to Running the Pledge Acknowledgement Export for more information.


Acknowledge Matching Pledges

Runs a report that lists all unposted Pledges that were created as a result of a matched Gift. This allows you to identify and edit Pledges that were automatically created by FIMS (as opposed to being entered manually).

NOTE: This report only lists unposted Pledges. Refer to Running the Acknowledge Matching Pledges Report for more information.

Pledge Posting

Posts Pledge information to history, creates General Ledger Journal entries, creates entries to the Pledge installment file and the Pledge transaction file (so a Gift can be related to the Pledge)

NOTE: You cannot run the Pledge Posting directly from this tab. You must run an error-free Pledge Edit report first, and then click Post Pledges on the FIMS Viewer menu bar.


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