Processing Tab (Asset Rebalancing)
  • 21 Jul 2023
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Processing Tab (Asset Rebalancing)

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You are here: General Ledger > Asset Rebalancing > Processing Tab (Asset Rebalancing)

Processing Tab (Asset Rebalancing)

The Processing tab has seven options that allow you to edit and post asset rebalancing, run asset allocation reports, maintain your asset strategies, copy targets from a prior year, build ratio targets and set strategy and pool targets.

Processing Tab


Processing Tab Options



Asset Rebalancing Entries

Runs the Asset Rebalancing Edit report, where you can check your data before creating General Ledger Journal entries.

NOTE: You must run an error-free edit report before you can post (create entries).

Refer to Running Asset Rebalancing Entries for more information.

Consolidated Asset Allocation Report

Runs a summary report that displays total investment amounts and ratios for all of your investment accounts.

Refer to Running the Consolidated Asset Allocation Report for more information.

Asset Strategy Maintenance

Allows you to maintain your Asset Strategy Code table.

Refer to Maintaining Asset Strategy Codes for more information.

Copy Prior Year Targets

Runs a utility that moves targets from one year’s Account records to the next year’s records.

NOTE: This is a required End of Year process, since the targets are recorded in the Account records, and there is a new set for each year.

Refer to Copying Prior Year’s Targets for more information.

Build Ratio Targets

Runs a utility that sets each Fund’s asset target in ratio to its actual asset balance in the Pools.

Refer to Building Ratio Targets for more information.

Set Strategy Targets

Runs a utility that sets the investment targets for Funds based on their Strategy code.

Refer to Setting Asset Strategy Targets for more information.

Set Pool Targets

Runs a utility that allows you to set global targets for all Funds or for a selected group of Funds.

Refer to Setting Pool Targets for more information.

Interim Market Value Entry

Runs a utility that allows you to manually enter market values for investment accounts as of a selected date (rather than using the ending market values from the previous cycle), and then create FACTS account and pool balance records.

Refer to Entering Interim Market Values for more information.


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