Profile 1 Tab (Profiles)
  • 05 Apr 2024
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Profile 1 Tab (Profiles)

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Profile 1 Tab (Profiles)

The Profile 1 tab includes the report name, organization, and the default address and phone numbers (work, home, fax, and cell phone) for the Profile.

Create a Profile record for everyone who is significant to the organization. You must also create this record for all Donors, Prospects, Grantees, Students, or Vendors.

Note: When you create a new Profile record, the system warns you of any possible duplicate entries. See Working with Duplicate Profiles.

Profile 1 Tab


Profile 1 Fields



ID Code

A sequential number assigned by FIMS to uniquely identify a Profile record.

This code is used throughout FIMS to relate information to the Profile record. For example, if a Donor, Grantee, or Vendor record is created for the Profile, the same number is used to identify that record.

Note: You should not usually change the default ID code, but it is possible to substitute any alphanumeric code in this field, if necessary.

Individual / Organization

Radio buttons that indicate whether the Profile record is for an Individual, or an Organization.

The option you select determines the name that FIMS adds to the Report Name and Sort Name fields.

Active / Inactive

Radio buttons that indicate whether an individual is alive or deceased (or if an organization is active or defunct). The default value is Active.

Note: A warning message will appear if you try to enter an inactive Grantee on a Grant Application (in the Grantee and Grant Management module) or if you try to enter an inactive Donor on a Gift (in the Gift module).


A prefix for the main Profile’s name, (for example, Mr., Ms., or Dr.).

Note: You must enter a Prefix for FIMS to automatically build Salutations properly. If you do not enter a Prefix, you will have to make manual modifications to your Salutations.


The Profile’s first name.


The Profile’s middle initial (if any).


The Profile’s last name.


A suffix to the Profile’s name (for example, Jr. or III).


A drop-down with values to indicate the profile’s Gender (Male, Female, Unknown, NA)


The name of the organization.

For Profile records that are marked as Individual, you only need to enter data in this field if the Profile’s primary address is a business address.

If the primary address is a home address, you can optionally add the organization name to the Profile’s Alternate Address list. Refer to Adding Alternate Addresses for more information.

Report Name

The name that most reports in FIMS will use to identify the Profile (for example, Mr. John Doe). This field is also often used for publications (for example, a list of Donors on the Annual Report).

FIMS automatically builds the Report Name based on the Prefix and First and Last names for individual Profiles and based on the Organization name for organizational Profiles.

Note: You should not manually edit the Report Name if you want future changes to the name fields to be automatically reflected in the Report Name field. If you do edit a Report Name, and then make manual changes to name fields, you will also have to manually change the Report Name.

Sort Name

The name (up to 20 characters) that alphabetically sorts the Profile record in the FIMS database (for example, Doe, John M.).

Note: This field is also referred to as the Alpha Sort Field, or ASF.

FIMS automatically builds the Sort Name based on the Last name, First name, and Middle Initial for individual Profiles, and based on the Organization name for organizational Profiles (minus a leading “The” if one exists).

Note: You should not manually edit the Sort Name if you want future changes to the name fields to be automatically reflected in the Sort Name field. If you do edit a Sort Name, and then make manual changes to name fields, you must manually change the Sort Name as well.

Title Code

User-defined code that indicates the Profile’s title in an organization (for example, CFO for Chief Financial Officer).

Refer to File Maintenance – Profiles for more information on setting up Title codes.

When you enter a valid Title code, the associated Title Description is automatically added to the next field.

For Profile records that are marked as Individual, you only need to enter data in this field if the Profile’s primary address is a business address.

If the primary address is a home address, the Title can be added to the Profile’s Alternate Address record. Refer to Adding Alternate Addresses for more information.

Title Description

The description of the Profile’s title.

You can enter a title in this field by either typing it in directly or selecting a Title Code.

Address 1-2

The first and second lines of the Profile’s address.

City, State, Zip

The Profile’s city, state (two-letter abbreviation), and zip code.

Note: If you enter the zip code before the city and state, and it exists in the Zip Code Master File, then the City and State fields will be automatically populated based on the zip code.

The Zip Code Master file saves new zip codes as they are added to FIMS.


The country where the Profile resides.

Note: The default value in this field is determined by the Country field on the Name tab in System Initial Setup.


User-defined code that indicates the Profile’s regional association.

Note: If the Profile is for a Grantee agency, this code also flows into the Grant Application record. If the Profile is a Donor, the code flows into the Gift record.

Refer to Maintaining Standard Profile Codes for more information on setting up County codes.

Address Type

User-defined code that indicates whether the primary address is (for example) a home or business address.

Mailings can be directed to the appropriate address type. An identical field is available on each Alternate Address record.

Refer to File Maintenance – Profiles for more information on setting up Address Type codes.

Work Phone

The Profile’s telephone number at work.

Home Phone

The Profile’s telephone number at home.

Fax / Cellular

The Profile’s fax number or cell phone number.

Note: This is a special field that actually acts as two separate fields – one for the fax number and one for the cellular number. Click the Other Phone Numbers button (looks like a telephone) next to this field to switch between the two fields.

Note: This defaults to Cellular unless Fax is the only number available.

Copy to Alt Addr

Copy to Alt Addr opens a window where you can select existing field values to copy into the Alternate Address tab.

Note: Users who do not have write permissions in the Alt Address tab will see a permission denied message.


The Profile’s email address. Click the button next to this field to send an email to the Profile.

Note: You can also send an email by clicking the Send Email button on the toolbar. If you have email addresses for both the main Profile and the Partner, clicking this button will open a confirmation window where you can determine whether you want to send the message to the main Profile, the Partner, or both.

Web Site

The URL (web address) for the Profile’s web site.

Note: You can automatically open a web browser and go to the Profile’s web site (if this field contains a URL) by clicking the Visit Website button on the Profile Management module toolbar.


An informal name for the Profile.

Note: You can optionally use this name to auto build salutations.


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