Profile 2 Tab (Profiles)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Profile 2 Tab (Profiles)

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Profile 2 Tab (Profiles)

The Profile 2 tab contains mailing control fields for the Profile, Special Handling information, four codes that you can define for any purpose you need, along with information about the Profile’s Partner (if any) and DonorCentral login information.


Profile 2 Tab


Profile 2 Tab: Special Mailing and Handling Controls

Special Mailing codes can limit or divert mail by controlling the records that are exported when you run the Export to Word Processing to create a data file for mail merges.

Special Handling codes are used to provide additional information about a Profile  that you want to appear in Gifts, Grants, Pledges, Scholarships, and/or Accounts Payable whenever a Profile with the special handling code is used in a transaction. Refer to Maintaining Profile Special Handling Codes for more information.


Special Mailing and Handling Controls





Checkbox used to indicate whether the Profile should be sent appeals from the organization.

This checkbox is selected by default.

When you run Profile reports or exports for appeal mailings, you can use this field as one of your selection criteria to limit the mailing to those Profiles that have this checkbox selected.

Allow Mail

Checkbox used to indicate whether the Profile should receive mailings of any kind from the organization (via exports from FIMS). When the checkbox is selected, the Profile information will be included in exports to create mailings, and when it is cleared, the Profile will be excluded from all exports.

This checkbox is selected by default.

Note: When you run an export, you can optionally choose to ignore the Allow Mail checkbox. This might be the option of choice if the purpose of the export is not for mailing, but to create a report

Note: Although FIMS exports automatically exclude records that have the Allow Mail checkbox cleared, the same is not true for reports. If you want to exclude these records from reports (for example, the Address Listing with Labels and Email report), you must select to print only those records where Allow Mail = Yes.

Spec. Handling

Code that provides additional information about a Profile that you want to appear in Gifts, Grants, Pledges, Scholarships, and/or Accounts Payable whenever a Profile with the special handling code is used in a transaction.

Refer to Maintaining Profile Special Handling Codes for more information.

Mail To

Optional field that allows mail to automatically be redirected to the specified Profile.

This field is useful if, for example, a Profile wants all of their mail sent to a relative or to an attorney.

Note: If you enter a Mail To Profile, exports used to create mailings and reports that display address information will show the main Profile’s name in care of the Mail To Profile at the Mail To Profile’s address.

Bulk Mail Recipient

The Bulk Mail Recipient is used to identify the single address to be used when bulk mailing takes place in order to avoid sending redundant mail to an address that has multiple recipients (family, domestic partners, etc.)  Click the Search (magnifying glass) icon to select


Profile 2 Tab: User Defined Codes

The four fields in this section have user-defined labels that work with a user-defined code table. You can use these fields to further categorize the Profile record. For example, you could create user-defined fields that indicate the Profile’s giving club designation, or whether they receive an annual report.


User Defined Codes


The first two fields always require a valid code from the code table. The second two fields can either accept a code from the code table or up to six characters of free-form text (for example a date).

Refer to File Maintenance – Profiles for more information on defining these fields.

Note: These fields will not appear for data entry until you have assigned labels to them. Refer to Configuring Labels for Profile User-Defined Code Fields for more information.


Note: Profile 2 Tab: Partner Fields

Partner Fields


The fields in this section are almost identical to the main Profile fields on the Profile 1 tab except that they apply to the Profile’s Partner.

The Work/Cellular field is also slightly different from the field on the Profile 1 tab. This field is a special field (like the Fax/Cellular field on the Profile 1 tab) that actually acts as two separate fields – one for the Partner’s work phone number and one for the Partner’s cellular number. Click the Other Phone Numbers button (looks like a telephone) next to this field to switch between the two fields.

Note: If the Partner has an email address, you can automatically send them an email by clicking the Send Email button next to the Partner Email field. If you have email addresses for both the main Profile and the Partner, click the Send Email button on the toolbar instead. You will be given the option to send the message to the main Profile, the Partner, or both.


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